I am
Anita Thomas
Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner
As soon as I got to know Jin Shin Jyutsu in 2012, I was enthusiastic about the idea of being able to use innate abilities proactively. After all, hand movements or poses were shown in the first hour, which I have been using for as long as I can think of.
I started my training in 2015 in order to open my own practice in 2017. I started my training as a practitioner for animals in 2017.
Since the end of 2019 I have been quartered with my practice at the Ochsenhof in Menzingen.
In addition to the Jin Shin Jyutsu treatments, I remain true to my initial scientific education in order to be able to offer suitable products. Such as I-Like or Lavylites.
Or Kirlian measurements for humans

Jin Shin Jyutsu - Practitioner for humans and animals
Advisor for I-Like
Kirlian measurements