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more about Jin Shin Jyutsu


Nothing easier than that: Take your hands and put them on your body, or someone else's. Without intention, without wanting.

The theory of Jin Shin Jyutsu simply teaches you to place your hands on certain points in order to make the necessary energy balance faster.


Einfach Hände drauf - das ist JSJ
diagnosis or label



JSJ Etikett
Etiketten sind alösbar - Diagnosen nicht immer
illness or project



JSJ Projekt
an einem Projekt kann man arbeiten
JSJ Nutzen
when, who, how much


JSJ anwenden bei ...
sich selbst
einem anderen
z.B. Klient, Familie, Freunde
Wer darf?
in der Praxis ein anerkannter JSJ-Praktiker, jeder innerhalb Familie, Freunden
Wie oft?
so oft man will, auch gerne vorbeugend
wenn man angefragt wird oder die Erlaubnis bekommt
Wie lange?
solange man möchte
max. eine Stunde mit 8 Stunden Pause, damit der Körper verarbeiten kann
Wann anwenden?
wann immer man daran denkt
Im Notfall, zur Vorbeugung, als Kurz- oder Langzeittherapie

Jiro Murai grew up as the son of rich parents and lived life to the fullest. However, his excesses had so affected his health that he was dying at a young age.
His dying process should then take place in seclusion at his own request. However, by keeping mudras, the unexpected healing happened. Jiro Murai then explored and tested the connections between mudras and recovery. At first because of the many homeless people, then because of the many clients. When he, now known, was called to the emperor to heal him, he asked to be allowed into the imperial library as a reward. There he found documents thousands of years old describing the same movements that he had rediscovered.
Being a highly respected man, he was able to give many lectures to crowded rooms, but no one took a closer interest in Jin Shin Jyutsu. So he took Mary Burmeister and Haruko Kato as his students to pass on everything he already knew.

Mary Burmeister was tutored by Jiro in Japan. The lessons took place only in oral and practical form, all that Mary wrote down was the first written summary. When she went back to America, she studied Jin Shin Jyutsu on her own for many years. This also involved Mary expanding her knowledge of tarot, astrology and numerology and understanding their connections to Jin Shin Jyutsu.
She has always used Jin Shin Jyutsu primarily with her children and their classmates. Due to the successes experienced, more and more people wanted to get to know Jin Shin Jyutsu, and Mary taught in their living room.
She only wrote her first book after studying and applying JSJ for 25 years. The books contain the basics of Jin Shin Jyutsu, but Mary has only orally trained the much knowledge beyond and around it.
Therefore, the sentence: "Mary said.../ Mary said...." is more than common among Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioners.


JSJ Geschichte
Mary Burmeister

Meister Jiro Murai
(1886 – 1960)

Mary Burmeister
(1918 – 2008)

Jiro Murai - der Wiederentdecker des JSJ
Mary Burmeister - die lebenslange Studentin des JSJ
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